Kuhn Consulting

Printing Labels from Outlook
Cliff Silcox: Printing labels from Outlook
Put the contacts you wish to print labels for into a Contacts subfolder. On the folder list, right click the subfolder containing the contacts and select properties. On the Outlook Address Book tab, check “Show this folder as an e-mail Address Book”.
Open the Address Book, choose Personal Address Book from “Show names from the:” Click File + New Entry and choose Personal Distribution List and click OK.
Click Add/Remove Members button choose the Contacts subfolder from “Show names from the:” drop down list. Select all the contacts on the list (click top, hold shift and click bottom) and click the “Members” button and click OK. “New Personal Distribution List properties” window - type a name and click OK. Close the Address Book.
Click on Compose + New Mail Message. Click on TO: button. Change "show names from" from GAL to PAB (Personal Address Book). Select the PDL (Personal Distribution List)  then click the Properties button. Note that the name at the top of the list is highlighted already and scroll down to the bottom name, hold down the Shift key and click the bottom name which highlights all the names. Click on TO: then click YES then click OK then click OK. Next, select all the names in the TO: field of the email and click Edit + Copy. Next, open MS Word and click Edit + Paste into a new document to be used as the Data Source in a mail merge or Labels.

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